Quienes somos

    This web has been created by the following authors and co-workers:

    Amando Baños, got a bachelor degree in geography and history by the University of Santiago and he is guide interpreter of Galicia. He has been the webmaster and he has been in charge of gathering documentation on the Galician megaliths and on the webs found in Internet on this subject. At present he is the Vice-president of the : 


Cultural association "Amigos do Arqueolóxico", that occupies of spreading and of protecting the Galician archaeological heritage.

    Xesús Baños, is guide interpreter of Galicia and he is a deep connoisseur of the archaeology of Spain and Portugal. Tireless traveller through Galicia, he has written the texts. In l996, he published, acting as coordinator of the work group "A Fornela", the first traveller's guide on the Galician megalithic monuments: "Antas e Pedrafitas de Galicia" (Dolmens and Menhirs of Galicia) that has gone out of print and that is a book of reference for other later publications on the same subject. He is a member of the association "Amigos do Arqueolóxico" of A Coruña.

    All the photos of the megalithic buildings were taken by Ana María Calvo, also a member of the work group "A Fornela" and who made too the colour drawings that are shown in the sections that approach the themes: idols, grave goods and paintings. These drawings had been initially obtained from the drawings that appear in the book of Antón Rodríguez Casal "O megalisitmo. A primeira arquitectura monumental de Galicia" (The Megalithic art. The first monumental architecture in Galicia). The two first drawings of the architecture section have been got from a drawing by F.Jacomelli. We are very grateful to David Vázquez that has scanned the slides that appear in the page "Colour photos".

    The ground plan of the dolmens that appear in the section of Typology have been made by other two members of the work group "A Fornela" : Jose Piriz and Mª Xesús Calvo. In the book "Antas e Pedrafitas de Glaicia" they did in addition to other plans of megalithic monuments, very accurate maps with the location of every megalithic construction that we are not including for the moment in this web. Xosé María Lema Suárez in his book "Arquitectura megalítica na Costa da Morte" (1999) reproduces six of these plans (Pedra da Arca, Dombate, Pedra Vixía, Pedra Moura de Monte Cárneo, Fornela dos Mouros, Pedra da Lebre en Serramo) failing to mention their origin. 

    The drawings of some megalithic monuments that are shown in the photo galleries, are the work of Juan Patiño, who put at the disposal of the work group "A Fonerla" his ability as illustrator and his passion for archaeology.